At Cocorado we cracked the code on great results. Because of the natural benefits found in coconut husks you’ll see better results year over year.

Our blends have been compiled through decades of application-based testing; however,  if you don’t see what you’re looking for, shoot us a message inquiring about custom blends and products!


Sustainably-sourced, organic, OMRI-listed coconut coir available in bricks, fluffed, or fluffed with perlite.

Base medium for custom-blends, fertigation/liquid-fed nutrient applications

Growers seeking a neutral base without any amendments or nutrients.


Sustainably-sourced, organic, OMRI-listed coconut coir available in bricks, fluffed, or fluffed with perlite.

Our 70/30 blend of Coconut Coir and Perlite. The lower density of this product helps promote healthy root systems and rapid run-off.

With a neutral pH level this soil is ideal for rowers both indoor and outdoor.


Expertly crafted garden soil with a fluffy, coconut coir base blended with plant-based compost, perlite, worm castings, and other natural ingredients.

Ideal substrate medium for Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Hemp/Cannabis, and more.  Being fully amended, this blend does not require fertilizer until nutrient content is depleted.

Ideal for growers seeking fully amended soil rich with necessary plant macro & micronutrients.

Soil Amendments:

Azomite, Dolomite, Calphos (soft rock phosphate), Oyster Shell, Kelp Meal, Glacial Rock Dust, and L-Amino Acids.


Clarity is the preferred medium for starting seeds and seedlings, or light nutrient-fed applications. Fluffed coconut coir, plant-based compost, perlite, oyster shell, and dolomite provide a beautiful base soil.

This lightly amended blend is ideal for starting seeds or seedlings, clones, or light nutrient-fed applications.  

Our all natural fibrous medium does not stress plants – therefore, genetics expression is naturally obtained. Clean, Natural, and Organic nothing unwanted comes through the grow cycle.

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(720) 432-8497

18028 County Road 59, Moffat, Colorado 81143